Monday, January 7, 2013

Beauty, Class, and Dignity

1 Peter 3:3-4 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.

Song of Solomon 4:7 You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.

Proverbs 31:29-31 "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

These four bible verses are awesome reminders from God to women of all ages, including teenagers, that beauty goes further than skin deep. Beauty is in the gentleness of the spirit. Beauty is found in the heart. You don't have to be popular, or have nice things, or be the best at anything to be beautiful. As I've slowly reached the last semester of high school, I've realized how unimportant it is to be popular. It's unimportant to be known for anything other than what you've done for Christ and how you have loved. Those are the only things you will be remembered for. No one will remember the video you posted on facebook. No one will remember how many friends you had in high school, or how many awards you've won. It doesn't matter what your friends think of you. It doesn't matter what your boyfriend/husband/whatever thinks of you. It only matters what God thinks of you.

A gentle spirit. A loving heart. Faithfulness. Strength. Dignity. Fear of the Lord.
All of these things are beauty to God.

To this day, it amazes me that God can look at the big mess I am and see pure beauty. It amazes me that God, before I was even brought into this world, knew how much of a screw-up I was going to be. God, without ever hesitating, decided to send His perfect son to suffer and die in the place of a lost, wretched, and worthless person like me. God knows my mess ups. God knows my sin. But all He sees now is beauty.

A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. A woman who stands up against the crowd and says, "I choose to be different, whether I'm ridiculed or not" is another step closer to being like Jesus. It's okay to be different. It's okay to be unpopular. It's okay to love yourself. Whether other people look at you and see beauty is irrelevant. God's approval is the only approval you need. It's the only approval that matters.

So, don't settle. Don't give in to the peer pressure because you want people to like you or think you're cool. Don't lose your self-respect in a moment of trying to impress others. Take a minute and realize that God thinks you are BEAUTIFUL, inside and out. That is more than anyone could ever ask for.
"True beauty emanates from a woman who boldly unabashedly knows who she is in Christ." <3

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Hello readers! It's Christmas eve eve. For me, that means my sweet family is in town. Currently, I hear the sound of cards being shuffled, music blaring through the speakers of my television, laughter as my uncle cracks a silly joke, and the inevitable question being asked... "Is it time for presents yet?" Needless to say, this is my absolute favorite time of the year. I have the best family, and this year I cherish it more than ever. I'm so thankful for the life I have and the people who I have been blessed with. I'm glad that my family has accepted my sweet boyfriend with open arms. It makes me smile to see him being able to play our family tradition of poker with everyone. My heart is full of love at this time of year, and I know that has a lot to do with how much Jesus loves and cares for me. He has filled me up with so much joy because of His sacrifices for me. It makes me want to smile and cry at the same time because I know that someone absolutely adores me the way Jesus does.

This year is especially hard and trying for my family. This is the first Christmas without my sweet Maw-Maw and Granddaddy. We've all kind of been dreading this time of the year because we all knew how hard it would be. I've been comforted by the arms of Jesus during this year, even through the hard times. I've been able to lean on Him when I was really struggling with the losses that my family suffered. Mostly, I'm trying to be here for my family. I know it's especially hard on my dad and my mom. They no longer have their mama and their daddy. I just couldn't imagine that pain. I'm just trusting Jesus with their pain and mine. He can handle anything, and I know exactly where my grandparents are. I know they are enjoying their first Christmas in Heaven. As much as I would love to see them, I know if they were given the choice they would choose to stay with Jesus. Tomorrow won't be the same opening presents without my Maw-Maw here, but I'm so glad we had all the time we did with her.

I would just like to wish a very merry Christmas to you and your family! Don't forget the reason for the season. Jesus is love, and He is always good. I hope you remember all that He has done for you, every day. He is wonderful, and this is the most wonderful time of the year. God bless you!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I'm not sure what this is gonna be...

It's another normal night in the Wade house. The election discussion is blaring in the living room, and I'm trying to drown it out with a little Norah Jones radio on Pandora. I just feel like writing tonight for some reason, so I don't really know what will become of this post... probably just more of the endless rants that I tend to have sometimes.

I'm so incredibly sick of high school. I need a new change of pace. College cannot come fast enough for me. With that I said, I will miss my friends that I have now. My group of friends isn't exactly the biggest, meaning I can count the true ones on one hand. I just don't like change, but I'm so ready for it to come. I'm getting anxious and antsy about where I'm going to go to school. I have my sights set on Campbell; I just have to make sure I have the money for it. So, if you don't mind, please be praying for me for that. I felt so at home when I visited there in September. God keeps opening doors for it though, so I'm just trying to stay obedient to His will.

The holidays are so close I can taste them. It's been so cold on the coast lately. I feel like I'm living up North. I don't want to complain about it though because I absolutely love cold weather. I've been drinking coffee like crazy, craving soup every day, and wanting to cuddle every chance I get. That's what I love so much about Fall... it brings everyone closer, even if only for a time. Plus, my boy is the best cuddler, so it's a win-win situation for me. :)

Speaking of my boy, I have these moments sometimes when I get a text or a call from him and look at the name that pops up on my phone, I sit there and think, "Al Rising is my boyfriend?" I don't know if that happens to anyone else, but even after all this time, it still makes me stop for a second. I don't know how many of you readers have ever had a dream come true that you wanted with all of your heart, but that's what happened to me when Al and I started dating. It was, and still is, a dream come true. I know I'm a youngin and whatnot, but who says how old you have to be to fall in love? Who says how old you have to be to find that one person that makes you never want to look back? All I know is God has the plan for my life. He has opened so many doors for Al and me, and I'm going to continue following Him. I've been so blessed to have a man in my life that is so kind to me. He's thoughtful, loving, and generous. I don't deserve him at all, but I'm so lucky to have him. He'll never know how much I love him, but I can guess that I'll never know how much he loves me either.

Well, for now that's all I can think to write about. I just needed a distraction for a while. I should probably go do something, like homework. But then again, procrastination is my middle name. I'll get it done anyway. Thanks for reading! I'll be posting again soon.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Senior 2013

Hello readers! It has been over a month since I've posted anything. As a senior, so much can happen in such a short period of time. Currently, it's a Saturday night, and I'm laying at home due to Hurricane Sandy. Apparently, it's going to be a pretty bad storm. I love rain, though, so it's been a perfect day for me. Let me hash out the going-ons of the last month and a half.

Well, on October 6, I had a dream come true. I was accepted to Campbell University. When I toured there I fell in love on the spot, and when I received my acceptance letter, I was too excited for words. So excited that since then I have yet to apply to another college. I'm working on that part though (I finished my application to ECU today.) They gave me a pretty big chunk of money, but I still have a lot to go to be able to afford to go there. However, I know if this is the place God wants me to go, He will provide the opportunities for the money. I don't doubt in God's plan for me.

I've been overwhelmed with school and scholarships and clubs. As much as we want it to sometimes, life doesn't ever slow down. I like having all the responsiblities I have though. It gives me something to do and allows me to get to know people I normally wouldn't be able to. I've been steadily working on my senior project. Hopefully I'll get it done before the due date. Procrastination is my middle name,  but I know I'll get it done. Somehow I always do.

On October 19, I went to Charlotte, North Carolina with a few members of my youth group for an Apologetics Conference. Pretty much that is just learning how to defend your faith. I learned an overwhelming amount of information. God works in such awesome ways that it's hard to comprehend sometimes. I believe, now more than ever, that God is real and He is alive and steady at work in my life. He has allowed my eyes and heart to be opened to parts of the world that I have never seen before. He is always preparing me for ways to talk to people who are skeptical of Him. As a Christian, I know how important it is to live in a way that shows Jesus to other people. I don't ever want to be the reason that someone will never believe in God because they saw what I said I lived for, but I never really lived like it.

I'm working on worrying less and praying more. God has put some obstacles in my life lately that I know He is using to make me put my faith fully in Him. Prayer has got to become an active part of my life. God has got to become an active part of my life. I'm tired of being worried and anxious and upset all the time. There is no need to be when God is the One holding my life in His hands. He has never let me down. That's something I have to remember.

My dad and my aunt flew out to Mississippi today to spend some time with my Pops. Tomorrow is my sweet Maw-Maw's birthday. She passed away this year, and it has been a hard time on all of us. She was the glue in our family. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is in Heaven with my awesome Savior. I just wish I could see her sometimes, but I know that I'll see her again, along with my granddaddy. I'm so lucky to have the assurance in my heart that I get to spend eternity with Jesus and all my family members. I pray so much for my family members who don't know Him that they will know Him before it's too late. God's grace is surrounding all of us right now, and all we have to do is accept it. That's a prayer we should all be praying. For the lost souls.

My life is always going to be hectic, I've come to accept. I'm ready for all of it though. I'm halfway through the first semester of my senior year. It's crazy how fast time is flying by. I'm ready to graduate, but I'm not ready to leave. I know I have to experience the world though, and that's something I can't wait to do. Well, that's all I have for tonight. Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Day!

Hello loves! I've been feeling so encouraged lately, and I just wanted to share some of that encouragement with you! Senior year has been absolutely crazy, but I wouldn't change it. Although it has been a breeze, I feel the stress catching up to me. Senior projects, homework, college applications.... my head is spinning. I guess it's that time of year for every senior though. At least I'm not suffering alone

On a positive note, my mom and I went to tour Campbell University on Saturday, and it's officical... I want to call it my home next year. That's exactly what it felt like to me: home. I could see myself there for the next four years. I fell absolutely in love. God willing it will continue to work out. I know He has many plans for me. I'm so excited for whatever my future holds, Campbell or something else. I'm just excited, and I really can't wait. This last year of high school will be torture for me because I'm so in love with Campbell. I just want to be in college already. Senioritis is taking over! Ahhhh! Save me!

I would also like to say that I have been so blessed in my life. God has given me the truest friends I could have ever asked for. My friends are so wonderful to me, even when I don't deserve it. This last year with them is going to be hard. Every time I start to think about graduation and moving on, it breaks my heart. My class is one-of-a-kind, and that's one thing that will be tough to let go of. Senior year is about making memories, and I've already been doing that with the intention of making more.

Also, on Wednesday, I'm going on a date with my sweet boy. We've been best friends for 2 years. That's something I've always loved about us: It's so important to us to remember that we were best friends first, and that friendship is what lead us to where we are. Our friendship is more important to me than this whole year of our relationship, because our friendship is what made us into the couple we are. I couldn't be more thankful or blessed with the man of God that I'm totally captivated by. It just keeps getting better.

So, as you can see, I have been uplifted lately. I've been happy and encouraged, and I hope the same for everyone reading this. If not, and if there's any way I can help, just let me know. I will do my best. Even if that means all I can do is pray, I will do that. Praying makes all the difference. Thank you for reading this! I hope you have a wonderful night!

Friday, August 3, 2012

One of My Famous Rambles...

Well hello there, readers. It feels like it has been such a long time since I've taken the time to sit down and blog. Although I don't get to every day, I feel like this is a coping mechanism for life for me. Writing has always been an escape of sorts for me. I can write down what I'm feeling and thinking better than I would ever be able to express it in a conversation. So, for anyone who takes the time to read this tonight, I'm sorry. This post will be the resting place of all the nonsense that has gone on in my life for the past few weeks. Be prepared, and don't say I didn't warn you. :)

Well, the month of July was absolutely hectic for me. I feel like after every July 4th the summer just flies by. That is exactly what happened this summer anyway. I went to Ohio with my aunt and cousin the week after the 4th. In a previous post I explained all about that. It was an interesting trip to say the least. But hey, we didn't get lost a single time, and we all got to spend some quality time with one another. I think that's something we take for granted. We so often pass up the opportunity to spend time with the ones we love, not realizing that someday we don't get the chance to do so. I'm glad I was able to spend that week with two people I love very much. I wouldn't have traded the 28 hour round trip for anything. Family first.

After that I had a very reviving week of vacation bible school at my church. It was renewing, but it was also a very stressful time in my life. I was definitely feeling pressured to be someone that everyone wanted me to be, not someone that God wanted me to be. I'm not the most obedient person when it comes to God's will, that's one of my big faults, but I try not to be a completely different person than what He wants for me. I felt like I had to be this big shot Christian, going around preaching to people about the Gospel, when in reality I know that I don't even understand enough about the Gospel to tell anyone else about it. I was so stressed because of this, but I know it was God's way of telling me that in order to be the person who can speak in front of a crowd, I have to take the time to really get to know Him and His word first. So little by little, that's what I'm trying to do. I'm at a point, though, where I feel like I've become a lukewarm Christian. In all honesty, I don't know if that's what I am, but I feel like I've become very lazy. God himself says He will vomit the lukewarm Christians out of His mouth on the day of judgement. I just don't want that to be me. I don't want that to be anyone. I feel like I'm failing in a way. But I know God has a plan for my life. As much as I worry all the time, I never worry that God doesn't have a plan for me because He does. He has a plan for all of us.

During that week of big changes in my spiritual life, I also had a big change in my personal life. My boyfriend, who is a wonderful man of God, and I decided to take a break. We felt like we were holding each other back from growing in our relationships with God. To this day, I feel like that is true. However, at the time we thought the only way we could get closer to Him was to break up. That was a really rough night for me and him. We both really struggled. We got a lot of great advice from people who care about us, and we made the decision to grow together. It doesn't make you any holier to be focused on God and single. You should focus on God ALL THE TIME. Our relationship has had some major changes in the past few weeks. I won't say that we haven't struggled because we have. But we're going to work it out. God will work it out the way He sees fit. All I know is I love the boy with all my heart. I know I will always love him, whether we're together or apart. I want what is absolutely best for him because he deserves it. Any decisions we make in the future will be okay with me because he's my best friend. As long as I have that, I know things will be alright.

After that, I really had to start focusing on my senior year of high school. It's so hard to believe that in just a few short weeks I will start my last first day of school. It has come so quickly that I don't even know where the time has gone. It seems like just yesterday I was in eighth grade, scared out of my mind to go to high school. Now I'm THE upperclassman. I'm so lucky to have such a loving and supporting class. We have our fights and disagreements, but at the end of the day we support each other. In just a few short months we'll be saying goodbye for the last time and setting off on our new journeys. To all the people in my class, we better make this year count. We won't ever get it back. I love you guys.

So now in the month of August, I'm preparing for school to start, which means actually doing my summer reading. I'm going to be busy moving my sister into college (how crazy!) and I'll be spending time with my lovely boyfriend and best friend in the process of all those things. My anniversary is coming up this Wednesday and the boy and I will be heading out to do something fun. I'm really looking forward to it. I need a fun night. I'm hoping to attend a great Christian concert next Friday, and I hope to continue to grow with my Savior. I will also be taking my senior pictures with my best friend, which is so bittersweet. Whatever this year holds I will be open to the changes, including any changes that come within myself.

I just had to get all this off my chest before I exploded. Thank you for taking the time to read this, you brave soul. Hopefully I didn't scare you off, and you'll continue to read my blog the next time I post. I hope you have a blessed night!

Monday, July 23, 2012


  • I worry that I'm not good enough for anyone
  • I worry that I won't be the best that I can be
  • I worry that my family isn't proud of me and looks at me differently
  • I worry about my parents
  • I worry that you don't miss me as much as you used to
  • I worry that my life is becoming complacent and I'm at a standstill
  • I worry that God isn't proud of the person I'm becoming
  • I worry that I'll never make it to where I want to be
  • I worry that I'll never be the person that everyone thinks I should be
  • I worry that all my relationships are going to fail
  • I worry that my friends talk about me behind my back
  • I worry that I don't know who is loyal and faithful to me
  • I worry that I can't control my worrying
  • I worry that I won't ever make it
  • I worry about my health
  • I worry about everyone else
  • I worry about everything

I spend all my time worrying. I know that worrying does nothing. I know that God says, "Cast all your anxieties on me because I care for you (1Peter 5:7)." I worry when I know I really have nothing to worry about. But I can't help it. I've been doing it for so long now that it's a part of my nature. I'm  human. I just wish I could stop all the worrying. I really do.