The two topics that really stood out to me were abortion and saving yourself for marriage. The Bible points out that both things are wrong. I bet you didn't know that in North Carolina alone over 70 abortions are performed each day. Seriously? That's staggering to me.
Pslam 139 states, "For you created my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful......... All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." That is so amazing to me. GOD created ME in my mama's womb. HE knows what each of my days will hold; He has always known. What an awesome God I'm serving! The debate with abortion is when a baby actually has life, and to me I think this Bible verse points it out perfectly. GOD CREATED YOU in your mother's womb. You were a creation, a living thing.

True love waits. How many of you have heard or seen this slogan in your life? It's sad that that's all it has become: a slogan. If you don't know what I'm talking about, true love waits means that you're saving yourself for marriage. 1 Thessalonians tells me, "Each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable." This is the Bible verse that relates to true love waits. As a teenager, decisions are bound to be made that can alter the plan that God has for our lives. Sex before marriage is a tangled web. As Mr. Joe put it in his lesson, "Unless you're ready to marry them and make them a parent, you shouldn't have relations with them."
I've seen the toll that pre-martial sex can take on someone's life. It's a whole mix of emotions and attachments that cannot be easily forgotten. Two will become one flesh (1 Corinthians 6:16). I think that is the part people forget when they decide to give his/her whole body to someone else. Once you have sex with someone, that person gets to keep a part of you, a part of your heart. It can be detrimental to your happiness. I'm no one to point fingers; I'm the chief of all sinners.

I guess what I'm trying to say in all my rambling is you should let God lead your life. If you're making or have made decisions that are life changing and you feel like you can't go back, you can go back. God will love you today, tomorrow, and always. There is nothing you can do that can make Him not love you anymore. It's the best love in the world. Let God lead you to the person He wants you to be with. He has someone out there for you, someone who is absolutely perfect for you. Have patience and He'll show you them in His own time. Trust God with all you do, and His plan will far exceed any plans you have for yourself. YOU ARE GOD'S BEAUTIFUL CREATION... never, ever forget that! <3
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