- I worry that I'm not good enough for anyone
- I worry that I won't be the best that I can be
- I worry that my family isn't proud of me and looks at me differently
- I worry about my parents
- I worry that you don't miss me as much as you used to
- I worry that my life is becoming complacent and I'm at a standstill
- I worry that God isn't proud of the person I'm becoming
- I worry that I'll never make it to where I want to be
- I worry that I'll never be the person that everyone thinks I should be
- I worry that all my relationships are going to fail
- I worry that my friends talk about me behind my back
- I worry that I don't know who is loyal and faithful to me
- I worry that I can't control my worrying
- I worry that I won't ever make it
- I worry about my health
- I worry about everyone else
- I worry about everything
I spend all my time worrying. I know that worrying does nothing. I know that God says, "Cast all your anxieties on me because I care for you (1Peter 5:7)." I worry when I know I really have nothing to worry about. But I can't help it. I've been doing it for so long now that it's a part of my nature. I'm human. I just wish I could stop all the worrying. I really do.