Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day Two...

Something's that is illegal, but you think it should be legal

I don't always agree with the way our government handles things, but the law is the law. We have a lot of freedoms in this country that many people in other countries would literally die for. I think Americans struggle to be thankful for the freedoms they do have. All anyone ever wants to focus on is how the government is limiting their lives. People on the other side of the world would be more than thankful for education, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to fair trial, no cruel or unusual punishment, etc. These are things we rant and rave over every day because they aren't "fair enough." We all need to be more thankful.

The only thing I think I would debate our government on is the fact that they banned God from schools. I don't really struggle with that at my school because we are allowed to have the Prayer Circle, but in other places just mentioning God's holy name is enough to get you suspended. This is leading to huge problems, not only in our schools systems, but in our country as a whole. The Founding Fathers of this country put God as the foundation of it. We are getting so far away from that these days because we don't want to "offend" anyone. I just hope that our country realizes that our freedoms, successes, dreams, and abilities were given to us by God. We all should be thankful for that.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day One...

Hopes, dreams, and plans for the next year w/ a picture of yourself

In the next year, I hope I'll still be happy. I hope I'll be experiencing the feeling you get whenever dreams come true. I hope to be accepted into the college God wants for me. I hope to still have the faith I do now, maybe even a little stronger. I hope I'll be reaching people through the story my life tells. I hope to still be with my precious boyfriend. I hope that whatever God has planned for my life is exactly what will happen. I don't want to ever live outside of His will because I know I'll be miserable.

Specific dreams and goals for the next year: Be President of Honor Society and SADD, get accepted into college, receive some scholarships, give my testimony to people I don't know, become a leader in my church, give up something that is hendering my relationship with God, be as loyal and good of a friend as I can be, continue to follow the Lord.

I hope all these things will happen in my life, but whether they do or not is not the issue. Like one of my favorite stories from the Bible... if all the things I wish for my life do come true - God is good; If all the things I wish for my life do not come true - God is still good. As long as I keep Him as my rock, my life will be blessed plenty.

I know that in the next year I have many things I need to work on to better myself. Jealousy, worry, anxiety, anger, depression, fear - all these things are really hurting my life. I know I have to take it one day at a time, but it'll get better. I just have to remember to wake up every morning and put a smile on my face because I'm alive, and that is more than enough reason to be happy.

Whatever happens in the next year, I'll be willing to face. All my dreams, hopes, and plans will come true whether I realize it or not. I've just got to stay focused and down-to-earth. The rest will fall into place.